brown field near tree during daytime
brown field near tree during daytime

For those who are looking to stay, here are some options to look at that are located near Kendrick and Deary. Both of which are close to the venue. Please note not every Airbnb in the area is listed. These are just some suggestions.

Stay Accommodations

Restored Train Cars

Train car-Restored 1909 Train Carriage on 145 Acres Peck House-4 people

French Cottage

French Cottage-6 people

Great Northern Caboose

Caboose-2 people Restored Great Northern Caboose Depot, passenger room- 2 people in each unit; 4 total- Passenger Room at The Deary Train Depot Depot, stationmaster room- 2 people in each unit; 4 total-Stationmaster Room at The Deary Train Depot The big house 10 people -

Hunter Moon Homestead

Hunter Moon Homestead

Big Bear RV Campground

Big Bear RV Campground

Moose Hollow Cabin

Moose Hollow Cabin

Fairbridge Inn

Fairbridge Inn

Best Western

Best Western in Orofino